Friday, November 27, 2009

The Tipping Point

Author: Malcolm Gladwell

This book talks about creating and spreading change as epidemics - mostly in a socio-cultural context, but he also draws references from the spread of diseases. Pretty interesting stuff, with a lot of case studies ranging from history, children's television, smoking and crime.

Ultimately, it boils down to 3 main factors:

  1. The persons involved - Connectors, Mavens & Salesmen
  2. The form of the message - Stickiness Factor
  3. The environment - Power of Context

Item 1 explains the 3 different types of personality that you need in a Change Agent - they must either have a lot of contacts (Connector), a lot of information (Maven) or a lot of enthusiasm (Salesman). Sometimes a Change Agent may be a combination of two or all three.

lThe second issue deals with the nature of the message, and here the book shares different strategies that one can use to make the message more appealing and sticky.

Lastly, change can only stick if the environment allows it - a horseman riding through the night, for example, is more memorable than one riding in broad daylight.

All in all, it kept me hooked - and that's a lot to say for a piece of non-fiction. I'd make this compulsory reading for those working in Change Management. And also for parents with very youn children.

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